Tuesday, May 12, 2009

where does the time go

It's 6:40 am and I have about 20 more minutes before kiddos wake up. In those 20 minutes I have a list of about 20 things to do and what doesn't get done will have to wait until nap time. Then I have 3 hours that seem to FLY by everyday. Sounds like a lot of time but the more you put on your plate, the faster time goes by and it doesn't seem like you accomplished anything. Then after nap time I either stay up late after hubby goes to bed or call it quits for the day and wait until 5:30 the next morning to get back to my long list of things to do. I wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom to twins for anything in the world.  I never would have imagined how happy and content my kids make me. If that is all that I did, I would be very happy. I have always dreamed of being a photographer and now that I am taking the time to try and make it happen, I am on cloud nine.  Being a mom to the most incredible twins ever and studying photography is more than I could dream of. I should also mention that my incredible husband plays a big part in allowing both of those things to happen and he is incredibly supportive.  He is the best daddy in the whole world to willy and maddy.  We have a great little family and it wouldn't happen without both of our commitment and love.  

There is so much to write about and then I sit down to write and don't have the time! I can hear Willy right now - "ut-oh", "ma-ma"....Maddy (sissy) is probably still trying to wake up so I'll give him another few minutes before I go in there! 

I'll hopefully be back this afternoon to write more!!

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