Tuesday, May 12, 2009

defying gravity, defying fear

Heather Swan wrote a book about her life as a BASE jumper who is scared of heights. She fought her fear of heights and with her husband, became one of the craziest BASE jumpers in the world! I don't have any desire EVER to BASE jump, but her motivation and passion is inspiring.  I believe that if you are truly passionate about something you will have great rewards. 

Last year I entered the lottery the famous Escape From Alcatraz triathlon. I have been doing triathlons for about 15 years now - from sprints to half ironmans with the hope of someday doing an ironman. When I got the email saying I got in it was bittersweet. To be able to such a famous triathlon that is in my backyard was an awesome opportunity but I was terrified of swimming in the bay and couldn't train that much since my twins were just turning 1 in july and the triathlon was in june. I had visions of being swept out under the bridge or being so nervous in the swim and gasping for air as the waves swallowed me and the current took me off course and hoping the rescue boat would see me!  The coolest thing about doing something that you are terrified of is that it gives you extra motivation to do well and when you finish you feel pretty good about yourself. I ended up having a great swim and I actually enjoyed it! And, I ended up getting 12th in my age group which I was pretty happy about since I didn't have much time for specific training and my plan was just to finish - or at least just to get to shore from the boat you jump off of!! 

Besides photography and exercise, my passion is my family and kiddos are waking up from their nap right now - so I need to go put my mommie hat back on! 

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